Hi! Still not dead, everyone! Also STILL working on the final chapter of DnH but school and work have me running on fumes. Not to mention my computer is completely fried. Lol
Anywho! Expect that when I DO come back with more stories, they should have scheduled updates as I plan to write the whole story BEFORE posting it!
Anyway! I've got a lot in store for y'all. And, now that it's summer break, I should (hopefully) be able to get at least one story done? *knocks on wood and cross fingers*
Let's hope. Later!
P.s. I just finished my junior year of high school which means I finished my graduation project paper. Average score on the first draft for EVERYONE was no higher than, like, in the 50s. I got a 92 on my first draft. So, yeah. My writing will, hopefully, have better structure and fluidity in the next story I post.