@Wolf_Girls hi, your book is really good, i really enjoyed It, but in my opinión It doesn't have enough infomation about Lucia and Jacob. And one thing else take the cameras away from me and my friend, please, thanks. JAJAJAJA
@emma125625 i don't really know, it's not actually my story, a friend i made on this site asked me to post it on my account. Before she told me where she wanted to go with the story she completely disappeared off the site and i haven't heard from her since. I've been thinking of giving the story to someone else who would like to continue it because i don't know how to go on.
No I'm not dead, I'm very much alive as far as I know :) And I'm sorry for not updating but I'm suffering from a serious case of writers block, I don't know how to continue :( So if you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know
@Wolf_Girls hi, your book is really good, i really enjoyed It, but in my opinión It doesn't have enough infomation about Lucia and Jacob. And one thing else take the cameras away from me and my friend, please, thanks. JAJAJAJA