
Hello! I know it has been while since I have uploaded a new story! Busy life! I am a teacher and rarely have time to work on things. But! I have created a new story! Please Enjoy it and give me feed back! I enjoy reading the comments!


What if when you write your next book the roles are reversed and the male is the one treated badly. The female is the alpha and she mates with him and the rest you can make up. Just an idea because I love your books but can’t write my own bc I forgot.


Hey guys! So after doing some thinking of what to write next, I have come up with another idea. I’m working on getting the first chapter(s) up. I plan to make them longer and hopefully more detailed. If anyone knows someone who is good at making covers please let me know! Message me about it! Thank you! 


I know I normally only post about updating but after the past few months I just want to remind everyone to be safe out there please. I just lost a very close friend it’s come as a shock and please everyone be careful out there. Put down the phone when driving. Practice caution with dangerous things.