
I seem to be having issues finding the motivation to do things I’d otherwise enjoy. So, the Reality’s Pieces project and all my other books are on pause. I don’t know when they’ll be back. Thank you for your understanding.


Thanks for the follow @WolfandRose !


@DELynch43 lol you’re welcome. You’re an incredible writer and I love the series. 


@WolfandRose ❤️Thank you for recommending me to your friend! You’re the best!


My pleasure! You’re an amazing writer! It’s very rare that I find a book on here that I get so addicted to.


I seem to be having issues finding the motivation to do things I’d otherwise enjoy. So, the Reality’s Pieces project and all my other books are on pause. I don’t know when they’ll be back. Thank you for your understanding.


I'm horribly sorry for the delay to those of you actually reading my books. Life has been hectic and I don't see it getting better any time soon. Please bare with me through all this. I will do my best to continue as soon as I possibly can.


For all of you that have provided me with your stories to add to Reality's Pieces and those eagerly awaiting my next addition, I am very sorry for the delay. Between school and family issues, I hardly have any time to write anything. I hope that my situation will improve soon so that I can return to doing what I love, but I'm afraid that may take time. I will do my best to write when I can, but as of right now, I can make no promises. 
          Love, Rose


I am currently looking for stories to add to Reality's Pieces from people who have experiences in the following fields:
          A) Law Enforcement 
          B) Disaster Relief
          C) First Responders
          D) Doctors (any sort of medical personnel really)
          E) NICU Worker 
          F) Military Personnel
          Please PM me if you are or you know some one that fits one of these criteria. Thank you for your time and your assistance. 
          ////For further information please read the introduction of Reality's pieces or PM me. Thank you/////


I want to start by apologizing to everyone for my very sudden disappearance. Some thing's came up withing my family and I was unable to return for a year. Before you ask, everything is alright. 
          I have to admit that I've missed all of you. My followers, my friends, and my supporters. I am looking forward to reuniting with all of you again. It has been a very long year without the friendship and the kindness I had grown to enjoy before I left. 
          I will be updating my books and possibly adding a completely new one in a few weeks. Hopefully you will enjoy the new book and the new additions to my existing books as much as you have enjoyed what I've already shared with you.
          Please feel free to message me about anything. I am once again at your disposal for advice or just a chat. Sadly, I can not promise that I will be online as often as I was in the past, but I can promise that I will do my best to reply to everyone as soon as I am able. 
          Thank you for your continued love, kindness, and friendship.


This week I am writing little reviews for some of my favorite books and authors. :)
          Constantine (Daughter of War #1) by @MissBookNut : 
           This fantastic book leaves you wanting more. I can honestly say I didn't set this book down until I was finished with it. The details and style of writing is amazing and I highly recommend it if you're interested in a strong heroine that doesn't need a man to do great things.
          Gladiator of Rome by @tall_girl :
           Where do I begin? This book will always be one of my favorites. Set in the Roman Empire, the reader is taken back into time and experiences the world of Roman slaves. Fighting, love, hard decisions, amazing character development, this book has everything I love in it. If you haven't read it yet, go read it. You'll adore it. 
          Sweet Madness by @cold_lady19 :
            This was the first horror I've read on WP and I can say that I was not disappointed. My old dislike for the horror genre was completely obliterated by this book. It's got just enough sanity to make you feel safe and just enough insanity to keep you on the edge of your seat without falling over. Unexpected turns and beautiful madness. So fanatically written. 
          Wander by @LoneWolf- :
            While it is still a work in progress, I am amazed by this book. Written in such a way that not everything is revealed but you aren't completely in the dark. The details and writing style plunge you into the setting and give you the feeling as if you are almost there. Don't believe me? Go look for yourself! :) 
          That's all for today! I'll write up some more later. My love to all these amazing authors and to the people who actually read these little posts of mine ;) 


Most of us move through life without much thought to what happens in the end. So, what do you think happens once we've passed on? Do we move into another body? Do we simply become nothing, doomed to be forgotten? Or do we move on into an after life full of eternal happiness or eternal torture? What's your answer?