


what happened to two alpha's and a fox


@jadethequeen001 I mean, I can pop it back up if you really want me to. It's just not exactly my proudest work . I didn't realise people really liked it that much lol.


I was wondering the same 


Hello  I just finished reading chains and I wanted to say we’ll write to you about how well written it was and I just spent all day just reading this story (I’m a slow reader) and I was able to actually diverse into the story and I just wanted to thank you for writing a beautiful piece of artwork 


@Webtoonlover65894302 thank you for dedicating time to read my piece and honestly, im a slow reader too, but it doesn't matter about how long it takes, and its more how much you enjoyed it so don't worry about that. And ima follow you for this message, thank you, your motivating me to write more and ily for that <3


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I dont understand how it happened, but I just read one book and switched to another book without realising it. No wonder I was questioning what the fuck was happening. The main character went from a football player to a wrestler in seconds and I was so confused . Please tell me im not the only one this has happened to ‍♀️


Okay, so the emoji was supposed to be the face palm emoji but it changed for some reason 


so.....aparently inspiration to continue writing Two ears and a Tail popped up and now i'm like......crying over this fekin book. AAAAAAH. idk what it is. but i'm in the middle of writing chapter 45 so......yeah, it's continuing. i know you hate me for this, but writers block really be bipolar sometimes. :')