Happy new years! It's been months since I lasted posted on the board, and probably even longer since i posted anything book-related. That's my fault, I do understand. I've sort of fallen out of love for writing, mainly because in middle school I was absolutely obsessed with it and just couldn't stop, now I can hardly even put pen to paper. I am trying to motivate or inspire myself to get back into the course of things, but that will probably take a very long time, because it'll be like starting from scratch all over again.
I do, infact, have new book ideas, if you can believe it. I'm working out plot lines so they'll make sense, there won't be too much of one thing, it won't bore the audience, etc etc.
Don't count on quick releases however, as clearly I have a habit for disappearing for months, almost a year.
But hopefully, I live up to this new years resolution and start posting/editing my books!!!