
Hey, y'all, I've just uploaded a new book that I've been working on for a while now, 'The Volunteer - Gale Hawthorne'. I'd imagine y'all know who I'm picking in the Gale v. Peeta battle lmao. So, yeah, go read it if you'd like! I personally think that it is only slightly inferior to The Grey Witch, but that's my personal opinion. Later, y'all.


Hey, y'all, I've just uploaded a new book that I've been working on for a while now, 'The Volunteer - Gale Hawthorne'. I'd imagine y'all know who I'm picking in the Gale v. Peeta battle lmao. So, yeah, go read it if you'd like! I personally think that it is only slightly inferior to The Grey Witch, but that's my personal opinion. Later, y'all.


this message may be offensive
For everyone waiting on the third installment of "The Grey Which Series", it is coming soon, but I have gotten some writer's block (not to mention I have a LOT going on in this story), so it will be a little while, but it is coming soon. BUT, I have now developed an idea to help me get over my writer's block.. I am going to go on a generator site which is able to generate story plots and I am going to base an entire book off of that. Hopefully it will work to help cure me of my lack of creativity, so if y'all read what is about to be a shit show, just know it was not my idea lmao.


Okay, so I've been writing mostly fanfics or terribly thought out stories that are kind of related to different books I've read or movies I've seen but now, I'm working on a very original story. I've got it somewhat planned out and I'm now writing it and hopefully it will be a good story. Like I said, it's not a fanfic or in relation to anything I've seen or read so it's completely original and I'm so excited! I hope everyone enjoys the story that will (hopefully) be out by the end of the year, if not complete by then!


Hi, I' unpublishing a lot of stories and only keeping up my more successful ones. For those of you who enjoyed them, I'm sorry but they're in the process. I do have a habit of getting writer block, starting a new story, then never finishing it lol. But anyways, I just wanted to let ya'll know instead of going all ghost on yall haha. But I have a couple of really good stories that I can't wait to publish! Once I get at least halfway through, I'll start publishing each chapter on a schedule, that way I can work and publish without being rushed. Sounds good? Good. I love yall sm! Have a nice day or night <3


How dare you steal my title >:(


@sonia_harper1103 I'm glad we got this cleared up haha. Btw I loved your story


@Wolffur198 it’s okay! I wasn’t trying to sound mean! I should’ve been more clear 


@sonia_harper1103 omg I'm so sorry. I'm kinda bad with the whole context clue type thing or whatever it is haha. I didnt mean to come off like that 