Aaargh, got NAPLAN tomorrow!!! R.I.P me....
For those who don't know, Naplan is like a national assessment thing for people in yr 3,,5,7 and 9 where the assess your reading (comprehension), language conventions(grammar) writing( they give you a shitty prompt) and finnaly numeracy. They use your results to basically compare where you sit and if youre below/above/ or at the expected level of someone your age.
i'm so gonna fail, i'm never gonna be in the right mood for it. The worst part about it is ur not even alowed to take a book to read if u finish early and the tests are like 2hrs long..
Anyways, i saw this cool story idea on Pinterest and was wondering if anyone could be bothered to write a story off it cos i would definitely read it. Here's the prompt
Right a story in which the main character slowly falls in love with the reader.
That's it. Anyways, wish me luck for the next like 4 days!