
Just a reminder, I'm trying to figure out which story I'll update next, and I need help in a decision between these four stories 
          	First Male Hero Who's Also A Pornstar
          	First Male Hero Is A Slave 
          	First Male Villain Is A Slut Maker
          	The Cowardly swordsman hero 
          	Which story should I update


@Wolfhunter_1225 Villain Stories Can Sometimes Be Better Than Hero Stories For Some Reasons So I Say Go With The Villain Story


Definitely villain hope you make another chapter


Villain would be pretty cool 


Hi, I'm really interested in reading Black leg  deku but I usually listen to fanfics because I'm really busy usually. So I was wondering if you have an AO3 account or a fanfiction account because what pad doesn't have audio


Hi Wolfhunter I was wondering if something happened as you haven’t updated anything as far as I can tell and I really enjoy your work and was curious when to expect chapters for stories?


@TheIzayaYozora I'll try to update the story I was last on and after that, the slave hero story, might make some edits for the story ideas, just busy with work


Just a reminder, I'm trying to figure out which story I'll update next, and I need help in a decision between these four stories 
          First Male Hero Who's Also A Pornstar
          First Male Hero Is A Slave 
          First Male Villain Is A Slut Maker
          The Cowardly swordsman hero 
          Which story should I update


@Wolfhunter_1225 Villain Stories Can Sometimes Be Better Than Hero Stories For Some Reasons So I Say Go With The Villain Story


Definitely villain hope you make another chapter


Villain would be pretty cool 


Okay, I just finished one of my new stories and am still getting into the grove of writing, so I'll focus on these four stories since they did keep having ideas pumping into my mind during the hiatus
          First Male Villain is a slut maker
          First Male Hero Who's Also a Pornstar 
          First Male Hero Is A Slave 
          The Cowardly swordsman hero 
          Also for my fans of Black-Leg Deku, I will have re think plans for the future of events and for an OC female harem member I had in the works, I say this because one piece basically did it better with their creation of Uta in one piece film of red


@Wolfhunter_1225 since I don't rush you I say one book but off topic how you handle Joint Training, My Villain Academia, PLF War, Villain Hunt/ Black Hero Arc.
            Hope building more moments with Class 1b girls
            Did you Toru face reveal?


@BrendanLodden thanks, so which of the four stories would you like to see update next


@ShemarHoare thanks for your compliments for my first story, it's a mix of pride and embarrassment because it's my first work, and I'll admit there some mess ups, but it makes me happy how it turned out to make people enjoy my writing, either way which of my stories would you like to see updated from this list here of four