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@Wolfie101_IG damn, your family is kinda fucked up, my family looks fine if you just see us but ig we aren't my parents worry a lot about their fucked up children, one has been in the hospital too many times to count for broken bones tumors and other shit, the other gets sick way too much, one is secluded from everyone else and reads so many books its like they've become a character of a book, one always sets themself up for failure, one could colapse because of their bad knee at any moment from playing sports, and the last? id say the last is the most fucked up, is careless so has a lot of scars from stupid shit is suicidal, has panic attacks every so often, doesnt socialize a lot, and is disconnected from reality because no one really treats them more then a fucking stranger, so they tried to become more likeable and failed..... sorry im ranting- i havent gotten to do that for a long time so yeah, anyways im not a therapist but hey, you can talk to me