
Hey, everyone! I hope this new year has been kind to all of you! I just wanted to take a quick second and mention that I'm in the process of setting up an account over on AO3 to give my stories a second home. Don't worry, all my works will remain here for the foreseeable future. I love the community here, and I always will, so I plan to keep my works here so I can engage with people on Wattpad. I've had an AO3 account for a few years now, but I've never done anything with it. I figured now was a good time to see if I could build a community over there too. You can find the entire Honor and Glory Trilogy over there now, and I'll be working on moving the rest of my stories over throughout the next week. If you want, follow the link in my profile, and say hi. I really enjoy it when people pop by to say hello. Hope I'll see you over there!


This might be a bit random but I felt the need to write this non the less.  For a few years now I’ve struggled to write, couple of break ups and the loss of an important loved one, it’s all become too much for me. Out the blue I remembered your series of beautiful stories on Ylva and Tyra, how they’d initially inspired my own stories then.  Although I’m still in a bit of a mental struggle I have laughed and cried re reading the series again, they have sparked feelings and memories I feel I’d blocked out and would never come back. I wish I could keep them forever!  
          So in short - Thank you x 


Hey, everyone! I hope this new year has been kind to all of you! I just wanted to take a quick second and mention that I'm in the process of setting up an account over on AO3 to give my stories a second home. Don't worry, all my works will remain here for the foreseeable future. I love the community here, and I always will, so I plan to keep my works here so I can engage with people on Wattpad. I've had an AO3 account for a few years now, but I've never done anything with it. I figured now was a good time to see if I could build a community over there too. You can find the entire Honor and Glory Trilogy over there now, and I'll be working on moving the rest of my stories over throughout the next week. If you want, follow the link in my profile, and say hi. I really enjoy it when people pop by to say hello. Hope I'll see you over there!


Three updates in a month? Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.
          In all seriousness, I'm so glad to be back in the groove! I don't know how long this motivation will last, or how much time I'll have on my hands, but I'm going to make use of it while I have it! Hope you enjoy the next update!


Hi, I just started reading Walk in the Shadows about a week or two ago and love it! I haven’t finished it yet but I was wondering, before I finish it and start another on of your stories, I wanted to know if all your stories and characters in them coexist with each other if that makes sense. 


I love your books they bring two of my favorite activities together reading and skyrim. I was wondering when you are planning on posting the next chapter of Dark Of The Night.


@Wolfiesta hey that's totally fine. Just know you have my support 100% as you do other readers. I just have been really entrapped with dark of the night because I like the vampire aspect and the vampire quests in skyrim and I can't find any other book on here about skyrim vampires. Also I want to see more of the love blossom between Toril and Colborn.


@SadieAdler5, well I’m glad that you love my books! Thanks so much! As for updates, i don’t have a set date for them. I’ve been having a hard time trying to find the motivation to write, so updates will be slow. I’m very sorry for that, but I can promise that I will be updating it at some point. Dark of the Night has always been one of my slower books in terms of updates, as it’s not my first priority. However, I promise that I’ll try to be more consistent in the near future!


For anyone who is reading my stories and has noticed some weird activity on them, I am deeply sorry. Spam bots have been leaving scam comments on my story, soliciting “premium Wattpad services,” and deleting their comments almost instantly. I’m trying to put an end to it as fast as possible. In the meantime, please be careful and don’t click the links. I don’t want any of my readers to be hurt by one of these scams.