
I just started writing a new book :3 it's a fantasy fiction though :3


Hey i love your book, and i was wondering, i for some reason can't pm so if you ever want to talk (i may have background ideas for more stories i myself am too scared to write) you can find me at @sad.littleleo on Instagram, I'm also a little but recently my daddy broke up with me so I promise I'm not a creep, I'm just looking to help with ideas and maybe make a friend?


Thank you so much love the book ,my age maybe a shocker but yes i have daddy of my own , it took me forever to convice him to let me read this book,but im glad i finally got to and i am beyond happy,i am sorry u had to go tjrough the abuse , i understamd it fully i was compard to a holocaust victum when i got outta mine ,please keep writing your story was heart warming and amazing ,daddy read it and said that he couldnt put it down:)


@kimberlyfranczyk  Nononononononono you are perfectly fine!!! I love talking to people!! Message me at anytime!!


@kimberlyfranczyk omg i thought u were older!!!! Sorry im probaly bothering u ,ill leave u be , if your with him tell him im sorry for bothering u guys


@kimberlyfranczyk Well i am glad you're alive to be here. P.s. I'm 17 but will be 18 in November. 