
Anyone want to roleplay some trans kirishima Kiribaku? I’ve been dying to do it but most of the mha rp books roleplay with ocs


A little preview ; D
          "Those motherfuckers!"
          I walked away from my bedroom wall and flopped back first onto my bed with a groan. Those two kept quiet on purpose so I wouldn't be able to hear them. I was ready to hear a verbal brawl between them but all I got where calm whispers! Whatever...it probably wouldn't have been any good anyways. Most likely some mushy romantic fight or over something petty like a debt. I sighed softly and tried to get my hearing to go back to normal, closing my eyes and trying to calm down some. Relaxing into my bed, I started to take some deep breaths and I could hear the noises of my surroundings start to dull down and eventually quiet down completely until all I could hear was the silent room and my breathing. Thank god that didn't take long.


Would anyone like to be my editor? I could really use the help and I want to go back and edit some of the older chapters of Hidden Secrets.


            How do the editors work on wattpad? 


Anyone want to rp my sanders sides fusion or Android au prompts?


Cool, do you want to do it on the chapter or in pms?