
New Chapter is Now Avalable For Purest Souls


Thanks for adding one of my fanfics in your reading list. I was wondering, how much you read it so far? Also, what is your favorite character interaction(s) with Y/N?


Oh, that's good to know. So I have to ask, what other character interactions with Y/N you like? And what's your favorite part of my fanfics?


@ZANE_555 I've read up to volume 5 and some with the main cast like ruby or jaune ect. Also I'm planning a project book about my own oc soon 


Progress Update: I have About 1200 Words done So far Aiming For At least 2000 For this Chapter So Within the next day or two depending, The Next Chapter For purest souls Should be out, Also the Tittle name For the Chapter is Atlas Arrival.