//D U D E I REMEMBER YOUR NAME EVEN A FCKING HALF YEAR SINCE I SAW YOU-. Damn I kinda miss you. aLsO, children are so adorable dixjdldjdksj. sO-. Uhh-. Yea I got a lil crazier. So uh ye. - 13 year old Pru Pru was quietly somewhere in the Baltic state of Prussia, widening his eyes as he saw Germania. His body tensed up and he stood for a moment there before running up to him and hitting him strongly. ,,I hate you!", he screamed and looked sad and angry up to him. ,,Why did you leave?! Why did you leave me alone?!"

@Wolflover1332 //I forgot your country but, US? - He looked up to him and quickly trying to get away, crying and hitting him. ,,You don't care anyways!", he shouted. ,,I never had parents and never jad love! Why did you leave me alone?! W-Why did everyone leave me alone with those humans that hurt me so so much."

@APH_Prussia__ [[I am.. half alive half dead. My body is now 99% gingerale and 1% spite cause state college is going to be the end of me!]] He dropped some scrolls, feeling a light hit. He turned around and blinked, dropping the scrolls in his arms and held Gilbert tightly. "Gilbert! Oh Gilbert, my baby. Oh my god.. where have you been?" He whispered, cupping his face and gently kissing his head despite his own tears. "Oh gods, where have you been? You know how long I've been looking for you? You know much much I've missed you?"