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Don't like me? I don't care, don't care about your feelings, or your low iq friends and fans who are brainwashed by your lies.
          If you actually want to solve this drama of yours, you should take down your stupid community posts where your lying about me and cussing about me and my friends like a psychopathic delusional mental asylum patient. Same goes for your zero iq friends as well with their posts/videos that blatantly lie about me, you guys are the real 12 yr old dramatic dumb kids, you act like it too.
          And stop cussing like a dumb immature child, its insecure and embarassing, I don't want to hear any excuses, no excuse for it. Your behavior is what's really unacceptable, Me and my friends and fans just reacted back in self defense because you idiots started this drama. 
          You know cussing is wrong, anyone with more than 2 braincells understands that, clearly you don't have that many because you keep taking God's name in vain.
          I don't care how many churches are in your stupid weird country of Poland, its no excuse to slander me all over the place, its immature of you.
          Wolfox animation studio, you and dinocroc gaming, akany moon, german brokproductio, kayl fox, marigold the fox, and your fanbase are the problem, not me. Stop denying reality and get back into it you stupid dumb child.
          You owe me a huge apology, all of you do because this is a real boatload of absolute vulgar TRASH. Delete your stupid yt community posts that talk lies about me, and tell your low iq friends/fans to do the same on all their childish tiktok, deviantart, twitter and youtube, Grow Up and Take accountability. 
          Your such a big liar wolfox that you can't even spell the word "truth" right. Stupid kid. 
          Get your act together you dumb immature attention seeking child. Have a nice life wolfox animation studio the real Stupid.


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Theres no reasoning with the Stupid(You), because You Are The Stupid, Take the Dang Hint you dumb 12 yr old child, and my fans aren't 12 yr olds or "kids", their literally teenagers. 
          Man I have more braincells and common sense then you and your whole fandom combined, thats how dumb you are. 


Aww, don't like the Truth? Too bad, go cry about it in your zero iq braindead discord server or youtube or loser twitter you imbecile.
          That's why you lost wolfox, no wonder people hate you, because your trash, your garbage, even a friend of mine told me awhile back how annoying you are, you and your stupid ugly mentally ill Kayl Fox whose just as braindead as yourself.
          Dodging the evidence and ignoring responsibility of slandering against me doesn't help either, Why else you think people who support me pushed back against you? Because you lied and harassed me first you delusional idiot. Duh, its rather obvious.
          Your low iq, you are the Stupid, Cry loser, Cry you Nerd, The Stone is rolling back on you, You know full well that your garbage you attention seeking scandalous deceitful pile of trash.


You should delete those goofy misinformed community posts of yours from your childish youtube channel of cringeness. Your the one trapped in a bubble of insecurities and Im not the "blue isaiah wharton" channel, that wasn't even me, what the heck.
          And i never "flipped you off either" scumbag attention seeking pile of trash, and your no Oncelor, That character is cringe, heck that whole movie is cringe, hyper, terribly written plotline, like you and your ugly tng series.
          Your the one with the Messed Up Fantasies, and The only thing that's repetitive is Your lies and terriblly lame excuses in justifying your unacceptable behavior like a gay 2 yr old.


          That's why you and all your zero iq insecure friends and toxic fans are liars, you're just bottomhurt and mad that people actually support me(no alts) and that you know that your wrong.
          You harassed me first, Wanna know how to fight the Stupid? Just jump off a bridge because Your the Stupid wolfox animation studio, at least I actually don't have kinks or fantasies, and your fanbase turned my family against me and blamed me for YOUR FAULT.
          You honestly think that your right? Your the 1 guilty of harassment, don't act like your the victim because your not, your silly lame childish community posts are cringe and garbage like yourself along with your ugly merch, looks hideous like you.



And wolfox, there's no such thing as karma, it's not real, your delusional. Your side is the harassing side, and it's been proven like alot, no my fans are not alts, How many times do we have to say it to get it through your brainless fat skull. 
          Your insecure wolfox, you need to get a life. If you do actually want to talk to me, get rid of the "cuss messages" in the dms, because cussing doesn't help your case, and I don't want to hear your sappy excuses in justifying it because its not justifiable, I don't care about your feelings, delete your misinformed community posts about me, or my fans will keep making fun of you, exposing you for your lies that you try desperately cover up.


I don't care about you, kasia grabka, more like gasy crapka is what your mother should have called you. And I won't be forced into submission, I'm letting my fans attack you, expose you. You should stop cussing not just because of my "feelings" but because its objectively wrong, anyone with a brain acknowledges and accepts that. 
          Its no wonder that I blocked you privately, you did it to me first and then you try talking back to me and noticing that your blocked because you did it to me first? Are you really that stupid wolfox? Obviously, yes you clearly are stupid.
          Wolfox your the one who owes me an apology, I don't owe you jack. Your youtube community posts of badmouthing me are trash like yourself. Your bearing false witness against me, and have "kinky fantasies" over your ugly eclipse(and No I'm not gonna get eaten by you you ugly trash scum), and I'm not melted by your stupid eclipse, he's literally nothing and a waste. 


No Duh I burned you on DA(before being forced to delete it) because you people raided/hacked my discord first, made cringey kill art of me, mocking my faith, etc. And you get a heart attack when me and my fans did the same to your side, you get so backhurt over this and pretend that your side is right when it's not.
          Atleast I don't have grammar issues like you and your zero iq friends/discord. If I had your address, I would spraypaint your house, and throw all kinds of trash on it because that's what you are. And in America We have limitations, can't just say anything what you want and get away with it, that's not how it works. You deserve to get sued, spammed honestly. 


Dear Wolfox Animation Studio, Because your ignorant and immature. I decided to respond to your childish community posts on yt.
          I've seen how your fans have kept harassing mine, claiming them as my "alts" when that's not true. And wolfox, you cussed me out and blocked me on about every platform privately, and then me and my fans(not alts) exposed you for it, yet you claimed how you "wanted to have a conversation" but i blocked you from it so you decide to say your childish garbage on public. That's what you did to me FIRST, you projected it on me, how sad. And you have no right to cuss me out, and you need to stop, your side is the party that keeps aggravating my side(and yet you keep projecting it back on me like a dumb child). Your fans also keep calling my fans as "12 year olds", "dramatic", etc. And yet you say how my side is "harassing you", embarassing.
          No duh you have no right to cuss me out because cussing is wrong and you know it. Everyone knows it, and freedom of speech arguement doesn't justify it either, no excuse you stupid lying polish lusting perverted scumbag pile of Dang Trash.
          My side is fighting back against yours because what's repetitive is that your side keeps badmouthing me and my fans, and don't say that "psing" word wolfox, your disgusting, vulgar, gross and weird. And don't have the "middle finger gesture" in your community yt post. If you wolfox actually had braincells and common sense, you would realize this, but because your the stupid(I'm not the stupid) I have to say this. 
          And I didn't lust after you, i have no kinks, my arts were never kinky, they were never "harassment", Heck, I have no "kinky fantasies" unlike how you lied over your anger issue community posts, your not right at all. Your weird, your a liar, your full of insecurities is what you are wolfox. And that other "isaiah wharton(the blue one)" was not mine at all, unlike how you lied about it.