
Hey guys! Episode 2 is now out! Enjoy! 


Your latest book is really good! But maybe check over it next time, you put “cloths” instead of “clothes” I’m just saying that more people might like your books better if your grammar and spelling was better! 


@Legopaca it's okay! Just giving you a heads up!


@Legopaca  Yeah, I was so excited I wasn't able to do a edit check for, spelling and grammar. What's more is my phone as well, keeps fixing it with other words that doesn't belong, but I'll keep that in mind! 


Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't been posting it updating any stories! I just have school and my YouTube channel, merchandise and others, to do so I haven't been able to write much. I will try my best to post on July since right now I am working on a new book that many of you may have heard so keep on a look out for trailers! I hope to talk to you all soon!  Again I apologize


Hey everyone! I haven't been updating as you can see. I am working on my new book that will be released soon. Right now I have state testing and all of that stuff and I couldn't even posted a video yet XD. So if you guys can, please be patient! Thank You and I hope to release my book really soon!  Love ya! 


Hey y'all!  I am working on a new special project that you guys might love! This is going to be one of my favorite books published so far!  Stay toon for more information! In YouTube, I'll be releasing more news about it soon! 


@Wolftasy wrong face lol, :)*