Anyone that was following for the bad furry x reader story. It's been officially deleted because of inappropriate comments and just general hate to the book. And I can't take it anymore, so I deleted the book. Sorry whoever liked the book I just can't take it with the hate anymore. I be writing other stories, but there won't be anymore furry x reader stories. And xreader stories in general. Maybe in the future but as long there's hate in this app. I won't be writing anything.
@kitcatlilu thank you so much like I said as long the haters are on here. It won't be safe for anyone to make furry x reader, but in the future I do plan to write something that I been working on for awhile. And thank you so much for the support<3
@Wolfwarrior568 im sorry that happen to you i like the book it was nice and you write really good and Im very sorry