I have something to say. This is a very serious and touchy subject but what I'm about to say needs to be said. Discrimination of any sort, be it racial, sexist, sexual, etc. is not okay by any means! Being a different colour, different ethnicity, having a different sexuality, or gender identity is what makes us who we are. We are all human, we all have feelings, we all have issues, we all have our differences, so why hate each other for them? THAT'S WHAT MAKES US HUMAN! Our individuality is what makes us all human yet we cause everyone so much pain just because they're different. THAT IS NOT OKAY! And I specifically want to call out the lgbt haters/discriminators. Having that individuality, having a different sexuality and gender identities is difficult. What makes it all worth it for those of us in the lgbt community is that we have each other to support one another. We give each other the strength, pride, hope, and power to go on. And you know what makes it so hard for us to live how we want and need to be? The f*cking haters and discriminatory and judgy people out there in the world! We are living in a free world! We are free to express ourselves, yet you have to break us down just to feel better? THAT'S NOT RIGHT; IT'S NOT OKAY! I don't mean to be rude, but everyone is different in their own way. I am dealing with several mental disorders and am genderfluid and pansexual, as some of you may know and I am still able to live a normal life. Our differences do not keep us from living like everyone else, so you need to shut your damn hypocritical mouths and get your facts right! WE ARE ALL HUMAN! It doesn't matter our race, ethnicity, colour, sexuality, gender identity, or even our speech patterns! We are all human. We all make up the human race god damn it! It kills me to read hateful comments on my friend's stories, even on mine and not be able to do anything about it. So there you have it, once more I will say we are all human. Goodbye for now.