@IsolatedDrake (ФωФ) ohhhhh, that's such an interesting perspective. I never really thought of it like that. I do know what you mean. I usually wonder if people enjoy descriptions of battles, and it does give the fights authenticity but I also know it can go on too long on battles unless there are breaks or something, but if some people are just willing to read and be on their edge of their seat that's cool too. I do love the interactions with pokemon. Especially with the plot I have aligned.
Ah, yes! Alastor wants to experience what marriage is like just because. Seems right up his alley to experiment imo. That is a short story, so I was thinking of finishing that one it shouldn't take long, but I got side tracked.
I was waiting for someone to say this. I'm actually interested in continuing seeing as how it's more popular than Bigamy. I did used to cringe but now I'm comfortable enough to finish it up so I might actually try that.
Thank you for commenting. I still am not sure what to continue, and I appreciate the input :]