
Just finished Trigun Stampeed. I've watched the original version growing up and loved it. This remake was a masterpiece. So beautiful. The art, the music and story telling T-T
          	I'm thinking of making a book for Vash but A.U. Like a husband slice of life book or a story of how reader meets Vash. Not sure  yet but I will definitely post a one shot as an idea. That dude needs all the dang love.


Just finished Trigun Stampeed. I've watched the original version growing up and loved it. This remake was a masterpiece. So beautiful. The art, the music and story telling T-T
          I'm thinking of making a book for Vash but A.U. Like a husband slice of life book or a story of how reader meets Vash. Not sure  yet but I will definitely post a one shot as an idea. That dude needs all the dang love.


Not sure what book I should work on or continue. Go ahead and vote and I'll get on it.


@animalgirl25 I was thinking a Nezha book as promised since we saw his papa. It only nudges me more into writing it. Although I also am tempted to proceed the book even if that story feels concluded. I shall see. Thank you for the input. :]


@CrimsonBDWicked Alright! Seems that's two votes :0 Will probably continue with Affection since I've been itching to read what the heck I put and fix the story.


@IsolatedDrake (ФωФ) ohhhhh, that's such an interesting perspective. I never really thought of it like that. I do know what you mean. I usually wonder if people enjoy descriptions of battles, and it does give the fights authenticity but I also know it can go on too long on battles unless there are breaks or something, but if some people are just willing to read and be on their edge of their seat that's cool too. I do love the interactions with pokemon. Especially with the plot I have aligned. 
            Ah, yes! Alastor wants to experience what marriage is like just because. Seems right up his alley to experiment imo. That is a short story, so I was thinking of finishing that one it shouldn't take long, but I got side tracked.
            I was waiting for someone to say this. I'm actually interested in continuing seeing as how it's more popular than Bigamy. I did used to cringe but now I'm comfortable enough to finish it up so I might actually try that. 
            Thank you for commenting. I still am not sure what to continue, and I appreciate the input :]


Oh goodness I have been gone for ages. Sorry. A lot has happened for me. Dealing with health sadly and other things. I have been free as of late so I'll be continuing stories. Don't know which though. Could be Bigamy, affection or even LMK even Alastor x reader. We shall see. I still plan on finishing them when I get the chance. Also, no way! Almost 600 followers? Thank you so much to the people who are still reading my chaotic books. It's just a hobby but I much appreciate it 


Take care of you love, your health is important, hope you’ll get better and take all of your time ❤️


@Wolfytoons31x It's perfectly fine! Health is very important! Glad to see you back!


@Wolfytoons31x no worries! Health is important, and those other things are important as well. It's good to have you back! Take your time, mate, no rush. We will be here enjoying your stories and continue to reread because they are so good 


Do you have a A03 account? I'm not on wattpad as much anymore and was wondering if your on A03


@Stellar_R0se whaaaat that's crazy I'm sorry u had to take down your work


@Stellar_R0se I am! It's still the same. If it's about lmk I took it down cause apparently copyright and had too much of the same dialog and there is too much editing and chapters for me to deal with so I just took it down when asked.