@Wonderboy: *answers from under the cloak* --- ur story silly! lol , naa head banging actually works , it gets my grey cells to work faster! u should try it sometimes , its good if u can ignore the constant throbbing pain... but it relaxes my migrane haha.
yea writing is another form of expressing urself , some shout , some scream , some use actions , some use humor , some are silent, and those who know that none of the above work for them , they write or paint.. something creative , anything that their fingers itch to make. Its just emotions written down , the rest think its a work of sheer brilliance when they ignore the meaning hidden under the words ...now im getting ahead of the topic ---scratch off all that shit---
about the vamp title , u should use it and write a completely different story inside , the title wil attract readers and when the open the story - Bam! boo-yea , theyve bin punked!!! Lol . I think titles should give off least of the story inside , n jst intrigue a reader to read. anything simple n catchy. but hey thats my POV , i respect others choice too , cant argue that girls these days like they're guys shiney , blood sucking , pale and not human... =P