
@xComeAtMeBrox  Yeah because you tell yourself that you not a pedo!! xD
          	I know! Whenever I ask who's going, I find out theres like 7-10 people going YET there they are calling me and sending me a crap load of texts.. I swear my phone is going to break because of them 
          	I dont even want to think of of the cookies we couldve had..*sigh* That kid was going to be the answers to all of our cookie problems... *shakes fist in the air and yells* DARN YOU TOM! DARRNNNN YOUUUUU!!!


@WonderingEve Haha I know the truth lol
          Lol. Yeah and they even invite people that i don't like -_- I only tolerate them, so it pisses me off even more! Lol. The worst was just a few days ago, I was sleeping and having the most beautiful dream, there were abs everywhere :')...............THOSE BIATCHES RUINED IT!! They woke me up with their bloody texts and calling, and told me they were outside and we were going mall -_- I just went brushed my teeth and went in my sweat pants and hoodie xD I was so gangsta! lol I didn't even brush my hair!! hahaha and then one had the nerve to say "Are you going like that?!!" I just answered "Shut the frak up, it's freezing and this is comfy, so just drive bitch!" and y'know what they were wearing? Bloody mini dresses and a shizload of make up -_- IT WAS LIKE 5 DEGREES OUT!!
          :'( Cookies. So many cookies we'll miss out on!! I curse you Tom!!!


@xComeAtMeBrox  Yeah because you tell yourself that you not a pedo!! xD
          I know! Whenever I ask who's going, I find out theres like 7-10 people going YET there they are calling me and sending me a crap load of texts.. I swear my phone is going to break because of them 
          I dont even want to think of of the cookies we couldve had..*sigh* That kid was going to be the answers to all of our cookie problems... *shakes fist in the air and yells* DARN YOU TOM! DARRNNNN YOUUUUU!!!


@IslandLily Oh man... I just got the whole "Im left minded thing" *facepalm* 
          Yeah... She also tells me to always use big, sharp knives when cutting things or for spreading butter on bread.... We got rid of all the butter knives when I didnt listen because I was scared I was going to cut myself.


@WonderingEve Lol, I keep just fine :P
          I mean really, is it so hard for them to go by themselves? It's not like i HAAAAAAVE to go lol but then mind you its no fun without me so *sigh* lol
          OH THE INHUMANITY!! THINK OF ALL THE COOKIES WE'RE GONNA MISS OUT ON!! :'( I was gonna teach the baby to pull a puppy dog face to get us all the cookies in the world..... Goodbye unlimited cookie supply :'(


@xComeAtMeBrox SUREEEE. Whatever helps ya sleep at night.... lol
          Haha. Right!? Pfft. Friends these days... They dont know anything. 
          Yeah... I had things planned for that little baby... Now  who am I gonna teach how to punch and steal candies and cookies for me? :'(  Dont waste your tears... Instead lets Set Fire to Tom LOL


@IslandLily Left minded? .... And no my mom always told me that I have to protect myself... Though she always told me to put on kneepads before running. She also told me to talk to strangers who offer candy so that maybe she would get lucky.. Which I still dont quite get because if anybody were to be lucky it would be ME because I would get the candy. 


@WonderingEve pedobear -_- I am No pedophile thank you very much Loool.
          Lol. i know. They don't seem to grasp the fact that holidays are lazy time. not lets go out and be social time. that's for when we have school lol its the only way I'll survive school lol.
          *sniff' and i really wanted an African baby.....*breaks down into emo cutting tears* We could have haaad it aaaaaaaalllll XDD