@WonderingEve Haha I know the truth lol
Lol. Yeah and they even invite people that i don't like -_- I only tolerate them, so it pisses me off even more! Lol. The worst was just a few days ago, I was sleeping and having the most beautiful dream, there were abs everywhere :')...............THOSE BIATCHES RUINED IT!! They woke me up with their bloody texts and calling, and told me they were outside and we were going mall -_- I just went brushed my teeth and went in my sweat pants and hoodie xD I was so gangsta! lol I didn't even brush my hair!! hahaha and then one had the nerve to say "Are you going like that?!!" I just answered "Shut the frak up, it's freezing and this is comfy, so just drive bitch!" and y'know what they were wearing? Bloody mini dresses and a shizload of make up -_- IT WAS LIKE 5 DEGREES OUT!!
:'( Cookies. So many cookies we'll miss out on!! I curse you Tom!!!