
          	Hello everyone. Wooly here.
          	I have some news for you guys.
          	I'm quitting Wattpad.
          	Wait.. Quitting isn't the right word... More of a break. I'm taking a break from Wattpad. 
          	I can't do it. I have been picked on in real life very recently and I feel like I am losing my best friend.
          	Now, you all must be thinking: Wow, just because of that? I have more reasons to quit because of yadayadayada
          	No. It is not just because of that.
          	I am having some personal issues and the Internet isn't making it any better.
          	I don't know why I even try...
          	Do not worry for me. Please.
          	I might visit Wattpad every so often, but not that much often anymore.
          	If you think I'm doing this to make a scene, if you think I'm doing this to pull a prank on you guys, I'm not. I'm not that type of person.


          Hello everyone. Wooly here.
          I have some news for you guys.
          I'm quitting Wattpad.
          Wait.. Quitting isn't the right word... More of a break. I'm taking a break from Wattpad. 
          I can't do it. I have been picked on in real life very recently and I feel like I am losing my best friend.
          Now, you all must be thinking: Wow, just because of that? I have more reasons to quit because of yadayadayada
          No. It is not just because of that.
          I am having some personal issues and the Internet isn't making it any better.
          I don't know why I even try...
          Do not worry for me. Please.
          I might visit Wattpad every so often, but not that much often anymore.
          If you think I'm doing this to make a scene, if you think I'm doing this to pull a prank on you guys, I'm not. I'm not that type of person.


Hello everyone. Having a good day, right?
          Well, anyways...
          Last night, my school had a skate night. As the skating rink was closing, I saw all these people around this woman. They looked like doctors and policemen and such. I'm guessing that the woman had broken her back or something..
          But there was a girl. You should have seen the look on her face. She was crying while an adult from my school hold her hand. 
          This got me thinking: what if that was MY mom?
          Sometimes I forget to tell my parents I love them, and that they are appreciated. 
          Take a moment right now to pray for their family and be grateful for what you have.
          Thank you. This family deserves all of our grace.
          Wooly out.


Hi! Do any of you like warriors?
          Well, WarriorsOfTheCentury started a new book club.
          There's 5 different book groups called 'clans.'
          You're allowed to start a new clan if at least 5 people are willing to join.
          Anyone want to join my clan that I'm thinking of starting? The max number is 20 people, and it would be appreciated! :3


 YEAH *high fives*


          I Was walking through my neighborhood on my sidewalk, and I was playing my clicker game. Then I heard a muffled squeak. I looked down and I saw a KITTEN ABANDONED ON THE SIDEWALK!!! I picked up the shivering scrap and brought her to my house. For now, I'm calling her ginger. We're taking her to Williamson county animal shelter tomorrow though, so I won't be able to keep her for very long.
          Anyways, thanks for listening! I'll update on ginger's status soon!
          Wooly out!