
Yo guys! Please suggest some face claims (live-action casting) for my characters from my book 'Forward To The Fairytale Future - Book I'!! I'd love to hear all your suggestions!


Thank you for checking out WHAT'S IN A NAME? Hope you liked it  :)


@WordWhisperer7121189 haha glad to know :D hope you'll enjoy reading them too!!! <3


@Uditasree Yupp! Looking forward to read your other stories! Btw I really like YOUR name! ;)


Hey dear readers! I just published a new book, 'The Charmings'! Go check it out!


@NarutoShippuden463, and by the way, please do vote on my stories :)


@NarutoShippuden463 Oh no! Any ideas wanted from me? Just tell the main topic and I'll see.


          I was shocked, as to how he read my mind when I realized he might have had it already. “Oh well…”, I sighed.
          In a minute, we travelled through a bubble, which was supposedly our boat. We reached the bazaar of Lavatoria, which was teeming with so much life! From food stalls stocking weird stuff to shops with colourful fabric for the eccentric people of the island. It was then that I realized that Lavatoria derived from the word ‘lavatory’, which meant restroom.
          “Lavatoria has been here for about half a millennium. It changes its location every day, inside so many privies. For the Lavatorians, dirt is cleanliness, waste is food. The good side is that we’ve been keeping restrooms clean for everyone and till now, there are very few who know of our existence. However- “, Bidet paused and said, “some foes are lurking in the shadows. Usually, we earn the respect of every other microbe on the planet, but some don’t favour us. Take germs for example.”
          “Germs have followed us wherever we go. And they have waged wars too. Sometimes, germs are docile, but when the number increases, the power too soars. Hence, we have asked some trustworthy humans to create awareness about cleanliness. And here you are, Freya.”
          “So what exactly should I do, Your Majesty?”, I asked with concern laced in my words.
          Bidet smiled and began, “We want you to fight a war.”
          “A war?!”
          Just then, a flush of water came through the town, which felt like faded memories. The germs, clearly visible, attacked the island! I ran and sprayed some CleanMax on those pests.
          Suddenly, I was transported to my bathroom and was alerted by my mom shouting at me.
          “It doesn’t take long to flush! Pack up!”
          In a moment, she was gone.
          Just then, I heard a voice say, “Can we do this again?"