
Hey, I'm alive, are you alive? Probably not, we're dead inside. How's the weather? What's it like? You wouldn't know, you're not outside. I get the impression you haven't been outside a few months? Maybe you just went outside eariler or yesterday. Have you done something productive? Mentally encouraging? Had some water? probably not, you should.
          	Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, you hated it.


Hey, I'm alive, are you alive? Probably not, we're dead inside. How's the weather? What's it like? You wouldn't know, you're not outside. I get the impression you haven't been outside a few months? Maybe you just went outside eariler or yesterday. Have you done something productive? Mentally encouraging? Had some water? probably not, you should.
          Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, you hated it.


Thanks for the follow back

