
Sorry for not posting anything in a bit school/work is a pain in the ass, but I hope everyone is doing great ❤


@kk_readingkk Please don't commit suicide


I got a hamster today anyway name ideas for her??


I want to just a a serious talk for a second I try to be light hearted for the most part but I just want to get serious for a second..
          So one of my best friends have been struggling with her self confidence for a bit now and there is only so much I can do.
          But as someone who went months wishing I were someone else I understand the feeling that your never perfect or your not perfect to anyone else.
          But I fought through that and realized that people will love me for me and now I have my amazing boyfriend and the greatest friends ever so it hurts me to see her go through that or anyone go through that.
          So anyone reading this that feels like they aren't perfect or they nobody will like them just know that isn't true their is always someone that loves you.
          Love Kaitlyn♡
          (Name reveal)


@kk_readingkk First of all, confidence is a big issue. I am so thankful for your message ❤ Thank you so much.. Second of all, I love your name <3


@kk_readingkk She is amazing just like you are :)