After 6 years on Wattpad, I've finally managed to get 2 of my works ranked. It's quite surprising because I'd never gotten one before. My newest work - Blood & War - is ranked #25 under Weapons and another few more categories. I'm happy. And thank you for your support as well :)
Hi guys, I'm actually making drastic changes to the content of Crossovers (it's saved as draft). So those who have read it, iI believe you'll know what I mean. I'm almost done with the 1st chapter & hope to republish real soon!
Do writers go through procrastination & only be able to complete their work(s) after a few years? I've not updated my stories almost a year already. Ideas are in my head but I'm not ready to write it out. Hmmmmmmm.
I'm working on the new chapter of Guardiangels: GTA. Give me about a day or two & it will be published soon enough. Gahhhhh. I need some encouragement D: