So I think I might've mentioned this earlier, but on new year's day I want to start a journal thinggy where I will post something every day about what happened that day. It would be a way of motivating myself to do something worth taking note of every day, and I want to see if I can keep it up for a year. If I can, then I will read the whole thing on the last day of the year and reflect on it all. Then maybe start a new one for the next year. Anyways so I have a few questions that I would appreciate if some people helped me out with. I'll put them in the comments.

31. I did, but I will do it some more because it's absolutely brilliant 31. Why yes I did and there are two 31's but you're probably going to mention that two 32. Amazingly sly... lol 33. Called it :) 34. I'm literally trying to write five stories at one time. I am such a failure :( 35. No, but thanks :D 36. I think you are bc you are an amazing writer and a really nice person and yeah, I don't know know you really well but from what I know, you are awesome 37. Idek

16. I think I might and I'm listening to Two Steps From Hell and that makes anything epic 17. No now, but someday.. obviously only an idiot ( or an immortal) wouldn't expect death in the future. I can't see my future that well either. I just can't see myself as an adult 18. Hell yeah 19. I see what you did there 20. Awwww, my bae gave me chocolate. 22. Jk I don't have a bae, I'm alone :p 23. Being alone is nice cuz you can flirt with anyone 24. You have a lovely nose lol 25. Yesh I did 26. Idk but you probs won't read the rest of my answers bc they're dreadfully boring (as you would knwo if you even read to here) 27. Haha 28. 69... just kidding I'm not dirty . My fav number is 20 because that's the number I was when I scored the first goal of the season in soccer 29. I had a feeling :p 30. YES AND I LOVED IT