The bond of friendship is formed when two people that can relate to eachother meet in one place. But Do those people leave eachother when they stop relating to eachother's problems? Or rather When one gets slightly ahead and the other is left behind even if it's an uncertain moment of delusion... The bond breaks My heart refuses to accept that moment as a catalyst of jealousy for the one left slightly behind But in the end nothing else makes sense I do not have answers Oh but.. I couldn't get ahead of someone who already had what I didn't... Then why... Maybe my formula to coexist with people I treasure has always been incorrect and I doubt I'd ever be able to correct it Pretty sure I try harder than I should each time to keep a grasp on what's precious to me. And yet No one will ever know The word *best friend* is a fake notion to provide value to a certain figure so that they won't leave and one would survive without being lonely. In reality... The key is to not be lonely... To be understood even it means sacrificing values... I am indeed another miserable human barely getting by the test