
The already renovated chapters of Bounded By A Seal will be posted, everything else will for now be privated until they’ve all been modified 


Bounded By A Seal with be on private for about a day or so while I make some major changes to the story. 
          I’m completely making it into an OC story, so changing things will take about a day or so and then it’ll be back up for y’all to read <3 


Don’t be surprised if one day YN in all my fics suddenly become OCs because I’m kinda tired of making them all YN, it doesn’t get me interested in posting stuff as frequently anymore cause I have to put in less detail. Like I used to be nervous about writing OC content cause I used to give af about what y’all think which is silly but thanks to some lovely people I’m probably gonna start doing that. So don’t be surprised if one day those of you reading my Black Butler fic or BNHA one that YN suddenly has an actual name features d( ̄  ̄)


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But also y’all ride as shit if it’s YN so that’s another reason, like y’all mean as hell 
            ( ・∇・)
            Like Jesus what did I ever do to you cause it all feels more directed towards me than it does anything else like fuck
            ( ̄  ̄)
            (Also yeah I’m alive hi I just get busy with life and have no motivation) 


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          So just a little PSA. 
          First off, I’m always willing for improvement of my fan fiction, I only do writing for a hobby so suggestions are always great. Like if you wanna give me constructive criticism, please do! 
          That being said, if you’re just gonna tell me what you hate about certain things or characters or events, and just be rude and judgmental without some kind of constructive criticism on what I could maybe to do make it flow better, I don’t want it. If you don’t like my shit just because you don’t you don’t have to tell me, just keep it to yourself and stop reading I could care less. It’s not that hard just to stop reading and take it off your reading list if you don’t like it. 
          Constructive criticism is fine, I always take it openly and try my best to improve with said suggestions, but just being plain rude and bitchy about how much you hate everything I write without any kind of suggestion on what you’d like to see is, well, bitchy. 
          But yeah, that’s it, just don’t be a dick, and if you really don’t like my stuff then just don’t read it, or block me cause that’s an option too, plain and simple. We don’t know each other, and you won’t ever have to see me again or read my stuff again if you don’t like it/if you don’t want to. Its not that hard hon. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ


I love your black butler book that I read, I want know when will you update your black butler book, it got really interesting on last chapter and I want to know what happens next in the book.


I’m on a bit of an internet break rn for personal reasons. As for updates I just tend to update just when I feel like it, I don’t cut them all short and just leave them to collect dust but I also don’t update frequently since this is just a side hobby. I’ll update soon just not rn. ‍♀️