
YouTube on the big screen✋


Wth happened to the smut fics-


this message may be offensive
That shit was good


Wait it was taken down? 


i assume i’m younger than you and if i am that’s .....embarrassing 


@707Crystal707 but how old would that make you is the real question


@707Crystal707 if you are, you're wise for your age...


black lives matter is a movement to show people that black lives should be treated with the same amount as respect as everyone else on this earth because it seems like the justice system doesn’t think the same thing. This has actually been proven as ex-cops have come out and said that they had to fill a quota of arrests every month and most cops were surprise surprise racist so of course they arrested black people and possibly other poc because they viewed them as less of a human being than say, a white cis gendered straight man. but this isn’t about those cops, this about the justice system itself and how is directly targets black people. The argument that you used which was these white people haven’t enslaved black people today is not as valid as you think it is, let me try to put it in perspective, so say they was a table which was fairly weak at some points, and i put a cup or orange juice on it and it fell, okay so now imagine that the ground is a white carpet so of course there’s a stain and it’s hard to get out, over time it keeps happening and happening  until someone else is like hey you need to remember to not put that cup there  but you don’t think to much of it thinking maybe if i just keep doing it they’ll leave me alone but then one day you finally have enough and decide to not put the cup there anymore but, remember the carpet is white so the stains still gonna be there and everyday the other person see’s it and passes it everyday but what you didn’t know is, that they knew it would be a hard to get out stain and it deeply affected them and makes them feel sad whenever they see it. it’s not still happening but it still deeply affects the person, that’s basically racism although people aren’t avidly getting enslaved it doesn’t mean that in other way that haven’t been experiencing racism


I worship mr chungus every day


@lookingcooldenki thank you. Welcome to hell!