Heya. It's been a while since I was last here, wow.... Unfortunately it's also gonna be the last time. I'm deleting everything on this account, I'm sorry guys. I know my writing made some people happy and I'm so glad it could do that, but I just can't live with it anymore. I'm uncomfortable with the things I wrote, everything here just makes me.... well, sad, more than anything. Sad that I don't write anymore, sad that I've grown so distant from everyone I met here, sad that I can't stand what I used to be so proud of. But people grow and change, and it's been what, two years now? Of course I'm gonna be different, of course I have different values and different views. But despite it all, despite all the shame and guilt and cringe I feel when I think of this period of my life, I can't help but be grateful. I couldn't have found a better community back then. You guys gave me reasons to keep creating, reasons to keep trying, reasons to be proud of myself. You gave me inspiration, friendship, entertainment, support. I couldn't be more thankful.

@WowImNotOriginal backseat trio forever ;-; <3 love you man, and I wish you all the best the world can offer

@WowImNotOriginal <3 I wish you luck in whatever you decide to pursue in the future. It's been a fun time (^ ^)

@WowImNotOriginal We all move on eventually, but it's sad to see you leave :( I loved your books and still reread them every once in a while. I can't believe it's already been two years, and I wish you much luck :D