
Happy Holidays!
          	Long time no see... rather, no write. I have no excuse to provide as to why I haven't posted. I have been writing but I can't post anything because, well, what I have been writing is personal. I have a ton of great ideas for stories, but I just don't have the time to write them. Eventually, I will. Right now I'm just trying to finish highschool and make it to college.
          	I'll try to update as soon as possible.


Happy Holidays!
          Long time no see... rather, no write. I have no excuse to provide as to why I haven't posted. I have been writing but I can't post anything because, well, what I have been writing is personal. I have a ton of great ideas for stories, but I just don't have the time to write them. Eventually, I will. Right now I'm just trying to finish highschool and make it to college.
          I'll try to update as soon as possible.


Hey everyone ;D It's Dani. I know I haven't uploaded anything in forever. I've tried to focus on so much andI just have not been able to. I wanted to let everyone know that I am currently working on a fan fiction. That is all I will say for now. I will try to post something up soon. Sorry for the wait!