I'm just trying to write until my mind goes empty. Then I blast my favorite bands like Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed until I'm ready to write again. I'm also considered "friendly", yes I quoted the word, but I'm pretty chill and if you ask me I'll definitely read whatever you need me to and I do comment and vote every now and again. So I don't bite, much.
  • Дата регистрацииNovember 16, 2013

Последнее сообщение
Wr1t3rsBl0ck Wr1t3rsBl0ck Feb 25, 2018 08:01PM
Another Update,Hehe, I forgot to say when I would be holding said live writes. They will be mostly Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 7 maybe 8 if I'm feeling adventurous.
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Истории от Wr1t3rsBl0ck
Memories of What Makes Us от Wr1t3rsBl0ck
Memories of What Makes Us
We speak as one being in order to bring tranquility to the soul and leave the mind restless.
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Voices of Fire от Wr1t3rsBl0ck
Voices of Fire
Onyx just wanted a normal life. One where she didn't piss off anyone she talked to. What she got was a headac...
The Meridians от Wr1t3rsBl0ck
The Meridians
Rune thought that her husband would be by her side forever, but when a freak accident occurs she starts to qu...
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