
Hey, guys! A good friend of mine just opened commissions. Consider checking him out if you've got the chance! https://www.deviantart.com/thefnafkaijumaster24/art/Art-Commissions-open-1125500824


Hi, everyone! Today is my birthday, so I'm doing yet another birthday Q&A! Ask me anything so long as it's appropriate!


@superkoola Thanks! It's a long story, so I'll try to summarize it the best that I can. Back in middle school, a classmate of mine pranked me by getting me jumpscared by Springtrap. Later on while at a doctor's appointment, I got bored and decided to watch some YouTube to pass the time. I ended up being suggested a FNaF theory video by Treesicle, so I watched it and the rest is pretty much history!


@Wrekiz Happy Birthday!
            What first got you into FNAF?


Hey, guys! It's my birthday yet again, so I felt like doing another Q&A! Ask me anything so long as it's appropriate!


@_FreddyButNoKnees_ Thanks! ^^ To be honest, I don't really have a favorite animal.


@Wrekiz ✯
            ⋆✦⋆ Congrats on being one year older than you were-
            As for quEstions .. I duNno-
            How's about a favorite animal-?
            Can't think of anything else- :"p ⋆✦⋆


https://www.deviantart.com/bloodsol19/journal/EMERGENCY-Please-help-me-952960414 Hey, guys. Someone I've been following is in a VERY bad place finically and I wanted to do him a favor by spreading awareness about his situation. Please go and follow him and show your support and maybe donate if possible.


Update: The user has made a post in regards to his situation. https://www.deviantart.com/bloodsol19/journal/Update-on-the-Situation-953370676


Gimmie some of your FNaF hot takes. I'll go first with some of mine: Count the Ways is overrated, Cassidy being the Vengeful Spirit is the biggest misconception that MatPat started, Monty is innocent, Michael Afton isn't a good person, and TFC shouldn't have been made.


@Wrekiz Everything after UCN wasn't needed, it just makes things more complicated. Glitchtrap is stupid and so is Vanny. SB is dumb, it overcomplicated everything and tries too hard to surprise the players.


I've seen a lot of people hating on the idea of a Backrooms movie. Anyone know where the hate is coming from and why it's happening? I'm really curious on this situation.


@Wallace5000 I've talked with a few people in regards to this, and the disliking seems to be coming from people thinking that a Hollywood movie could ruin the reputation the Backrooms had, similar to the Slenderman movie. However, considering Kane Pixels is going to be directing an actual Backrooms movie, I'm guessing the film is going to be similar to films like The Blair Witch or REC. Plus, Kane knows his stuff, so I'd say it'd be in good hands. Still, best to keep expectations low just to be safe.


@Wrekiz Why would they dislike that? That sounds cool. Granted, I know next to nothing about the backrooms :,)