Happy Friday Morning Everyone!
Oh is this an exciting day! Okay first off, Chapter Ten - Part Two has been posted! YAY!
The second exciting news I have to share with you is I am going to be publishing The Chronicle Keeper! YAY!
Okay, so now some of you who read this version on Wattpad will think, there is A LOT of editing to be done. No worries. Back in July/August, I already had an editor go through the entire manuscript. I also have a proofreader/copy/line editor waiting for the edited version of the book.
So, that's the exciting news...or at least some of it. The other part of the exciting news is I have decided to hold a KICKSTARTER campaign. This will do 2 things. It will help with the publishing/launching of the book and it will give you, THE READER, to collect awesome rewards for participating in the funding of the book!
Okay, next thing. I submitted the campaign to be reviewed on Tuesday and I should hear back if it has been approved, SO STAY TUNED!