
AHHHHHHH, I’m so sorry, I meant to post the last chapter yesterday, and it’s mostly written, but I still have some things to finish, my parents have had me so busy, and My back has been distracting cuz it hurts, I’m so sorry, I will try and get it to you by tomorrow. I’m so sorry you guys!


AHHHHHHH, I’m so sorry, I meant to post the last chapter yesterday, and it’s mostly written, but I still have some things to finish, my parents have had me so busy, and My back has been distracting cuz it hurts, I’m so sorry, I will try and get it to you by tomorrow. I’m so sorry you guys!


I want to thank everyone for reading my fanfic, and for all the love and support it’s gotten, it’s at 905 reads! That seems crazy to me, I’m so sorry for the long wait between chapter 7 and 8. I haven’t had time with everything going on, and I haven’t really had the motivation, but I’m back at it, and it should hopefully be up in the next couple of weeks. I’m so sorry for the wait!


@clarkes_100 you definitely deserve it! you’re welcome <3 


@breathingblake i don’t know about that, but thank you so much, it means the world to me


Okay so I am about 90% sure that all of my dearest followers are bellarkers, and as a fellow bellarker, I would just like to let you know that I will be posting the first chapter to my first ever fanfic. You can look forward to it sometime between now and August. I just thought you guys should know.