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Hello guys, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. You see my family seems to have shit luck every 2 years. For those who have been here since 2016 you know my aunt passed away in January then about 2 years later in 2018 my grandma passed away, now its 2020 and in march I believe my dad went in for a scope and they found a tumor which unfortunately it is cancerous. So these past few months I've been helping my mom take care if him since he is going through chemotherapy to fight through it. And with everything going with the COVID19 he cannot go outside unless it for radiation or his chemo treatments. I'm sorry for thoes who love to read my books, but right now I've been focusing on taking care of my dad and helping even more around the house then before. So once he hopefully beats this then I'll start writing again. I am so sorry for updating my stories. I hope you all understand, I love each and everyone of you