
Make sure everyone begins reading the Addicting Chemicals With Neon Tablets Novel 1 of 12! 
          	This story has been posted on the site for quite some time now, but over the last few years I have been absent and not as involved with Wattpad for the fact of getting together the other 11 novels for your page turning pleasure!!
          	Its a perfect Fiction Romance for the upcoming Valentines Day Holiday about two people who grew up to find each other and fall in love.
          	is this due to their emotional feelings or does it have something to do with the No Glow Neon Tablets that were created to change the Universal World forever from not just the Past, but into the forshaddowing Future as well??
          	The Author of Accomplishment <3


Make sure everyone begins reading the Addicting Chemicals With Neon Tablets Novel 1 of 12! 
          This story has been posted on the site for quite some time now, but over the last few years I have been absent and not as involved with Wattpad for the fact of getting together the other 11 novels for your page turning pleasure!!
          Its a perfect Fiction Romance for the upcoming Valentines Day Holiday about two people who grew up to find each other and fall in love.
          is this due to their emotional feelings or does it have something to do with the No Glow Neon Tablets that were created to change the Universal World forever from not just the Past, but into the forshaddowing Future as well??
          The Author of Accomplishment <3


Want to be Addicted to the Addicting Chemicals Series?!?!
          I have a special treat for all of my readers and fans to which I think you all will be very happy and satified with the page turning storyline of multple seperate storylines that I've came up and written throughout the years. What makes this Series so special is that each of these characters all come from different perspectives and point of views who have been living under the corrupted guidelines of CrystalWater County. 
           I hope everyone is able to get lost into a non fiction world that was fictionalized and transformed into a universe of a  Supernatural that was created and inspired from the Creational and Spiritual forces.
          Listed below are the Novels in Order going in the sequenced order from beginning to end:
          *The First Novel has already been fully written and Published not only on this website but also listed on Amazon!
          Novel 1: Addicting Chemicals With Neon Tablets
          Novel 2: Addicting Chemicals In The Last Class Halls
          Novel 3: Addicting Chemicals Creates and Unjustifed Mix
          Novel 4: Addicting Chemicals Sprinkled in Gold Chime Dust
          Novel 5: Addicting Chemicals Swirled In Cold Colors of Crazy
          Novel 6: Addicting Chemicals Smacks The Slap Of Many Shades
          Novel 7:Addicting Chemicals Mixed In Sanity's Serum
          Novel 8: Addicting Chemicals Dipped in Perfection Of Poision
          Novel 9: Addicting Chemicals Indulges the Spiritually Spooked
          Novel 10: Addicting Chemicals Steps On Soulful Sunflowers
          Novel 11: Addicting Chemicas Dreams With Drops Of Dynamite
          Novel 12: Addicting Chemiclas Saves The Sake Of The Souls
          I will be posting announcements as often as I can as the process of this life long master piece comes together in the minds of all who dare to dream and Imagine :)
          Happy Reading! 
          Brianna Mayy M- Walsh <3


Hey Everyone,
          I'm super excited that I've completed the Summer Story Craft, 'Sea the Sea' :).
          It's summer Scenes 
          It's a cool and mystical read 
          I've added past summer memories and Dreams throughout the years of looking forward and back on the season in new and sentimental ways.
          Take a prediction as to how each board is viewed through aquamarine blues and sunset pinks.
          Some research needed to be done to give actuate description of certain sea creatures to really takes your minds into world....the world of water :)
          * I would like to warn the Website seems to be continusley failing when trying to post the full story. 
          There are 12 sections, so keep an eyes out if all parts cannot be published successfully tonight.
          * 'Sea Shore Fashion' is in dedication to my mother Marnie Thomas as today is her Birthday and due to the seasonal flu taking control already her birthday plans of going to the water park have been cancelled. 
          Hopefully the story kidnaps her and all readers to a new Destination to the Sea Shore :)


This is considered the Tenth Story Craft completed to represent the holiday of Independence day.
          *There weren't many materials to work with for the Independence Day set as there were for the other Story crafts that were created, but it was a set still able to be together to celebrate and represent the most important thing that we have as human beings...our Independence.
          The publication of POPPED is still considered a story craft as the themed holiday falls under Independence day and also within the timeline that the Story Crafts projects were being created. Publication is incredibly special as it's not just part of the story craft momentum, rather it is classified more as a sneak peek segment from the CPS series, Book 2 - Painted Portraits of Psychopaths.
          This specific piece contains characters from the CPS series as well, because remember the author's life are various puzzle pieces scattered everywhere throughout her writing that she is trying to place back together in a perfect picture format, with the overall image of reuniting her family.


Hey Everyone :)
          Story Craft #9 is officially complete and ready to be reviewed in honor of the Father's Day holiday that just passed! As always I'm approximately 2 weeks late with this deadline, and with respect to all of the men who are fathers I do sincerely apologize.
          On the bright side I finished the storyline and artistic visuals just in time before the month of June, 2022 came to an end.
          The character desperately despises the holiday of Father's Day as She believed She never had a consistent father figure (Unlike Her Mother who had always been there since the beginning). Going through years worth of journal entries, She comes to the realization of this accusation, that She has made up Herself, to being completely inaccurate as She discovers how multiple parental figures were in substitution of Her biological father the entire time. She just had never paid attention until it became too late...
          I hope my readers pick up on the moral and value of this specific piece, which is to always be grateful for the people who are in your life, because in a blink of an eye they might not always be there ;)


Good Morning Everybody!
          As we all know Memorial Day falls for this upcoming weekend. The 8th story craft in celebration of the Memorial Day holiday is on its way, and I think I might be actually delivering it on time.
          I think this story is going to have a very interesting twist to the readers as the purpose of Memorial Day is to celebrate all of the fallen soldiers who stood strong and proud to represent our country. However Tommy does not fall under that category, even though he thought he did.
          What happens if your whole life you knew nothing but the army and nothing about fighting, supporting, and protecting the families who live on soiled grounds of America Do you join the army as your one shot calling? What happens if you enlist into the army as soon as you become of age and realize it is nothing of what you expected, but rather the nightmare of hell waiting for your cemetery plot to be reserved? Would you wait to get killed in the line of duty, or would you just kill yourself and get it over with?
          Find out what happens with Soldier Snowman in the next few days once I release and publish the final copy :) 


Good Morning,
          I have finally posted the Mother's Day story craft, Raising Unconditionally!!
          It's really not that long  and it's a great short story that explains how the cycle of life will always continue even when we don't want it to.
          This story enhances the meaning and loyalty of  a Mother Daughter relationship. 


STUFFED HAPPINESS has officially and finally been transferred over and published on the webpage  under the correct Profile account...A.KA THIS ONE :)
          I PLAN to get one of the new killer page turning novels apart of the C.P.S SERIES on here in sections just to give you a taste of the hottest new plotline that everyone who's ever dealt with the corrupted Child Protective Services agencies around your home towns. You're not getting the full novels in one shot... I'm making you wait and giving you all the suspense that the character had to suffer and endure just to see how her own situation of life played out.
          Fasten your seatbelts because your about to go through a roller coaster of emotions with love, anger, fear, depression, and then finally Revenge for the justice of reuniting her family back once and for all.
          C.P.S III: Shades of A Soldier was a huge hit, but now it's time to start this back from the beginning with C.P.S 1: Cold Colors of Crazy.
          These are all true events but to avoid a lawsuit with the county who I've been plotting and planning to file a lawsuit with on the matters pertaining to the events within the series I needed to make sure all bases were covered, so it turned into a Fictional Genre with names, dates, locations, and timeline of events specifying in a special twist to preserve the author from getting in trouble with the law.
          In the meantime, the Short Story Story Crafts inspired by the traditional American Holidays celebrated by families will continue to be a DECOY READ until I'm ready to let the world know how a four year old child was medically kidnapped by the city, county, and state of Pennsylvania.
          Also keep in mind all my stories have the theme of Family sticking together no matter what. Blood will always be thicker than water, even when droplets of clear blue is preferred to be looked at over drops of dark red...
          Stay Tuned and in the meantime...HAPPY READING