
@goodnplenty hi, I'm so sorry for the late reply! Yes, hopefully; I'm working on the next chapter now :)


Yaayaaayy Chapter 21 of 'Torn between my teacher and my boyfriend?" has been uploaded!!!! :D It's SO LONG so I hope you enjoy it!!! It has so much drama and was really fun to write :P
          So...check it out! And I hope everyone had a lovely Easter and ate lots of chocolate eggs :P
          -WriteForLife x
          P.S. I'm kinda...on a roll! Some people may say that ;)


Hi everyone! :)
          Thank you to anyone who has kept up with my stories and has been supporting me-it honestly means the world to me :D
          the next chapter of 'Torn between my...' has been half-written so it should be up within a week :) 
          I am about one month away from my GCSEs at the moment so I'm sure many if you will understand the huge amount of stress!! But sorry to anyone who has been waiting for the next chapter!
          -WriteForLife x