
"...There was mud in her hair, tomato juice on her chin and she didn't look like she cared one bit. It was the most beautiful scene I had ever witnessed. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on. And, just like that, I was lost to her. Mesmerized.
          	"Hi. I'm Jenny," she said introducing herself between paws and puddles. "


"...As we're talking I finally notice what Caoilainn's been doing, and snort at her. "Are you making chocolate milk?" 
          "Duh, Tadhg," she says laughing back at me. "What gave it away?"
          I frown. "I haven't had chocolate milk in forever. It's for kids," I tell her.
          Caoillainn responds by scowling at me as she scratches her ankle where her gillies' laces wrap around her poodle socks. "I think I have a mosquito bite under my socks, Tadhg. Must have happened when I walked the kids out to their parents from class tonight." Caoi adjusts her socks and then stands back up to look at me. The corner of her mouth lifts up and I see a look in her eyes that spells trouble.
          "You know, Tadhg," she whispers bewitchingly while coming towards me with her cup in hand. She takes a sip of her drink through the straw and maintains eye contact with me as she gets closer. I back up slightly out of reflex and hit the back of the nearby countertop before stopping myself. When she's only standing a few inches in front of me, Caoilainn takes the straw out of her mouth and puts the cup down on a cutting board someone left out from earlier.
          "I don't think chocolate milk is really for kids," she continues, licking her lips.
          "Oh, no," I reply, my breath tripping in my throat. "I mean," I stutter. "It's not?"
          "Mmmn-nnn," she says, turning around and walking back to grab the bottle of syrup from the sink top. "In fact, I think it's very much an adult drink."
          I frown again. Adult? We are talking about chocolate milk here, right?
          "Yeah," she goes on. "I really do."
          "You see," she explains. "If I were to get a little bit of this syrup on me," she whispers seriously, and dripping the chocolate slowly down her pointer finger. "Well, then, someone would have to lick it off for me..." 


"...As time goes by, though, I'm thinking about it more and more. Was that kiss one of friendship or something more?
          And that letter...when she kissed me, was she just letting me know we'd always be friends? That no matter who she dated, she'd always be there?
          I'm more confused than ever.
          I know exactly what I want; her.
          Does she feel the same way, though? If I ask, will it make things weird between us if she doesn't?"


"What're you doing, Corrine?" I ask.
          "What do you think I'm doing, Tadhg? Come on, don't you like this?" she asks me seductively. 
          Normally, I'd say, "Oh yeah, I like that just fine." But tonight I can't get into it. In fact, now that I think about it it's been more and more that I haven't been able to get into things.
          I frown. 
          I look over at Corrine and take in her face. She's beautiful. Some might even say drop dead gorgeous. She looks like a model just off the runway. Her hair is long and thick, pooling over her shoulders. She's petite but well-endowed. No problems there, I think to myself, stealing a look down her barely-there shirt.
          What is wrong with me tonight?"


"Tadhg's looking good out there tonight, Caoilainn," Pearl teases me when she hugs me close. Then she leans in to whisper, "Don't worry, though, even if he gives me hot flashes I know he's all yours. Mmm. Just look at that a--."
          I make a hitch in my breath and clam up. But then I relax, realizing she's just teasing me and crack up.
          "Hey, listen, no worries from me. My eyes are on Fionn," she comments as Siofra whips a glance her way.
          "Oh, don't get upset, Siofra," she continues catching Siofra's unguarded glare. "Fionn doesn't know that I'm drooling over him here on the sidelines. Now, Brody, however," she teases, winking at me while throwing her hand towards him, "Well, just look at him."


"Shhh..." She whispered, tugging him behind a school building column. "Wait."
          Figuring out what she was all about, Kaden reluctantly joined Nora. "Why are we hiding?" 
          Not that he needed an explanation. 
          Kaden knew right away why Nora had ducked into this little alcove. She clearly wanted to eavesdrop on Donovan and Mrs. Shaw. An idea with many problems, the least of which were the stars Kaden was glimpsing in Nora's eyes.
          The Faoladh*?"