@jinneouss I have decided to stop writing in general, for the most part, so it has been discontinued sorry about that

Dear authornim, just completed reading your book without you. I'm in tears with the ending it was such a good book! Can u pls tell me when u r planning to publish book 2?

@diamond7soul it would be a pleasure to see your other works! I'll definitely keep an eye. Love you~

@diamond7soul for as much as I know people want a second book or at least a different conclusion. I am happy with how I ended it. I have moved on to creating work with my own characters that I might one day upload, so keep an eye out if you're interested. However things might change over the next few months ;)

Your book without you is really good, I just finished reading it and it was awesome tho I feel bad for Jungkook hehe. Sorry, I didn't vote before I was just too absorbed in the story that I never paid attention to it but I will re-read it and definitely vote. Take care lub <3

lisi~~ I came here to look for the felix ff cuz it was so good but I couldnt find it :((( Please continue it soon I love it so much and I cant wait to see what happens!!!!

@jojoeykangaroo go for it, I dont mind what you decide to to do I am passing the gauntlet onto you then

You need more recognition

Your books are amazing! I hope you make more of these beautiful creations in the future. :)