
Hi there, I know it's been literal years since I last updated... well... anything, but I finally logged back in and I just wanted to apologize for being gone so long. Unfortunately, I won't be very active on this account, as my health (which I've mentioned before) is very much taking a turn for the worse, so I'm sorry but there will likely not be any updates on anything anytime soon. It may occasionally seem like it, but I have some pretty severe manic episodes that lead me to getting in over my head fairly often. Thank you to anyone who has followed me all the way here, but this is me signing off for possibly the last time.
          	~Writer Kitty


Hi there, I know it's been literal years since I last updated... well... anything, but I finally logged back in and I just wanted to apologize for being gone so long. Unfortunately, I won't be very active on this account, as my health (which I've mentioned before) is very much taking a turn for the worse, so I'm sorry but there will likely not be any updates on anything anytime soon. It may occasionally seem like it, but I have some pretty severe manic episodes that lead me to getting in over my head fairly often. Thank you to anyone who has followed me all the way here, but this is me signing off for possibly the last time.
          ~Writer Kitty


Is there an upload schedule for fourteen voices?


@ReiDes13 no, I'm a major procrastinator, and I have a packed schedule on practically every day but Sunday. Saturday too, if I'm lucky. I've been trying to write on both of my works, but life gets in the way, and unfortunately I don't have a magical pause button. :)