So, I've done a thing. Yup, finally posted a new panel. This project's going to take a while, but I hope you find it's worth it. Please take a minute and check out the new panel for "The Phoenix: A New Beginning"! As always, your comments encourage me. Peace, Raphie.
You are brave to befriend the unlucky version of me! Muhahahaha! Don’t blame me if you accidentally bleach the matching halves of your socks this week! Lol ;-) *fades into the shadows laughing*
Thanks for checking out my artbook. If you're looking for books that feature the author's art, check out my book "raven". You can also check out my book series "his servant" I have done some art for that although the artworks are still in progress of being uploaded. :)
I'm not an artist BUT The Greatest Obsession, a historical LGBT vampire romance features a fanart section to show off the tattoo I got in April of my vampire character's bat even if it wasn't drawn by me, the idea is mine and it lives on my body forever.
So, I've done a thing. Yup, finally posted a new panel. This project's going to take a while, but I hope you find it's worth it. Please take a minute and check out the new panel for "The Phoenix: A New Beginning"! As always, your comments encourage me. Peace, Raphie.
Ha! No problem. And no rush with my work. It’ll slowly appear as I add text to the panels I’ve mostly finished. I just like talking to people with the same time problems :)
Omg, facepalm. You answered that. Haha. I’ll do my best to check out your works. I’m on about once a week and am behind on books I’ve started, but will put it in my library. Good luck!
If I could draw as fast as write, it’d be drawing. Most anything I want to tell, I want to do so visually, but it’s way too time consuming lol. How about you?