Hey, all! I'm sorry for the late announcement concerning Keys To The Night Realm (yay wisdom teeth surgery, right?). I'm so so excited to tell you that the reason it's been taken down is because I've signed a contract! Hopefully this is the first step to making my career as an author :)
If you choose to keep reading it, there are a few things I want you to be aware of. First, rather than being split into three books like I originally planned, it will be consolidated into one longer book. This means some slight differences to the story, timeline, and characters. Second, it will not be coming back to Wattpad, with the exception of the first three chapters. And third, the title has been changed to The Exiled Princess (Don't ask, I won't tell you ;) )
If you'd like to keep reading it, you can either go to Dreame's app/website and search "The Exiled Princess" or let me know and I'll send you a direct link. As of right now, it is still free to read :)
I can't tell you all how much your support and love has meant to me. :)