Hello, hello, hello Everybody!
Today I actually have somewhat useful news to give you. Frankly, I'm running out of ideas to use in some situations for my stories, and I would love it if you could help. But not only that, I've decided to recreate my YouTube channel and actually put it to some good use!
To find me, just search "Fictional - Entity" in the searchbar. My first video is up - with the help of my best friend @brookeever - and I hope ya'll enjoy it. Give me some tips on what to do!!
AND, if you have any idea of what I should to get some more subscribers, please let me know. I'm really trying to do something with my life this summer, and maybe this will prove that my life had something to look forward to by making people smile.
As always, I will talk to you all once again when I update! BUH-BYE!