Hello WPians!!
I'm back now! I'm sorry for being unactive for a month/weeks, I've been busy lately. It is because of school, everyone does the same right? So here is some announcement and important to read:
1) I will be online for 3 times a week. :)
2) Winners for the Cover Contest will now be announce within this week. I am very very sorry for this. After posting the winners, there is a new contest to join!
3) There is a lot of authors who wanted to promote their works. We will now start review ing your works! And maybe next week, we will going to post it. Yayy
4) The campaign and our community are now growing. There is now a lot of WPians and authors who joins our family. So, we are in need of new admins to join the team. We need your help. To apply, please visit our book "What is #WritersProgress" and fill the form. Please kindly send it to us through PM only.
5) We are now have our official email!! You can send your concerns, suggestions and more.
-> writersprogress.wpcampaign@gmail.com
We are still making our official site for our campaign.
That's all folks! See you guys around!!!!