A wonderful day to you!

Welcome to Krizanne's writers community.
My aim is to create a unique haven where talents are trained, nurtured, cherished and preserved.

Our current works include:

🌺 Krizanne's Fiction Awards (currently ongoing)

🌺 Red Cinder Magazine (coming soon)

🌺 Krizanne's Cinder Book club (coming soon)

🌺 Cinder Aids (coming soon)

🌺 Plot, Camera, Action! (coming soon)

🌺 Krizanne's Cinder review store (coming soon).

Join us, we'll be thrilled to have you.
  • انضمJuly 2, 2019

الرسالة الأخيرة
Writers_Community Writers_Community Nov 01, 2019 11:36AM
Good day.The community deeply apologises for the delay in results.The delay is as a result of some judges abandoning their assignments without any prior information.I'm disheartened, but the resul...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم KrizAnne's Writers Community
KrizAnne's Fiction Awards بقلم Writers_Community
KrizAnne's Fiction Awards
{Open} {Judging🔹} {Closed} KrizAnne's Fiction Awards 2019. K.F.A is a new and exciting innovation for writ...