@StarskytheTimelady Eh well I couldn't find a better thing so I made it this Percabeth collage. That, and I like viria's art :3
Her Percabeth stuff is really cute
@WriteyouCleverGirl I was high on sugar.
Omg now I regret saying P-E-R-C-A-B-E-T-H over and over agaib I'm sahry *pronounces with Boston accent*
P.S, tbh frazel
@StarskytheTimelady Weeell I feel as though Percabeth has just I dunno, like downgraded to not my OTP. My OTP is probably Jasper (for PJO anyways) because Percabeth has become WAY too uh overrated and there are too many fics on them. I prefer Jasper because they are pretty cute together, and there are too little fics about them compared to Percabeth :/