Missed us uh ;) You know school sucks and hopefully we are gonna get back on track, you just wait for it. Atlas and I will be there for you, inspiring young writers like we always have!! I think it is our fundamental duty to create patrhs for young, diverse voices to pace on and enter a world unlike any other. Something not typical, something not usual, something that surprises and is truly heart-warming.
Come on now!1 Go up look up at the prompt again, fuel up your train of thoughts and write a piece that will knock us on our knees. You have more options now... try taking inspiration from here and there. You have NO WORD LI MIT, so that you can fully express yourselves. The deadline is Sunday (the coming Sunday). Come on!! You can do this :)
Be creative, think outside the box and play with things around!1 Does it have to be a book that actually exists?? Why not you were walking through the library and you wanted to read something new. While searching for 'The Book' you stumbled upon a book called: 'The four Destiny Boys' (just a name..) Though the cover is pretty cheesy, I still tell myself not to judge it by its cover. As I read and come to the end, I play with the things inside my head!!!
This book doesn't exist!! Nor does the prompt say that the boom 'SHOULD EXIST'!! So why not play with things in our head????
This was just an idea I had when I first looked at the prompt... I know it seems a bit hideous but you can have your own. you DON'T have to follow this!!!